Profil umum
“Sarjana Teknik yang mampu menganalisis dan mendesain sistem mekanikal (mekanika, energi, material dan manufaktur) serta berkontribusi dalam penyelesaian masalah rekayasa yang kompleks (complex engineering problems)”.
Profil spesifik
Sarjana Teknik yang mampu menerapkan pengetahuan matematika, fisika, kimia dan ilmu dasar teknik mesin untuk merumuskan dan menyelesaikan masalah rekayasa teknik mesin yang kompleks dengan mempertimbangkan asas keberlanjutan.
Sarjana Teknik yang mampu mentransferkan pengetahuan matematika, fisika, kimia dan ilmu dasar teknik mesin dengan mempertimbangkkan dampak dan keberlanjutannya.
Asisten Peneliti
Sarjana Teknik yang mampu membantu dalam pengembangan IPTEK di bidang rekayasa mesin dengan memperhatikan dan mempertimbangkan asas keberlanjutan.
Sarjana Teknik yang memahami konsep dan mampu mengimplementasikan kewirausahaan yang inovatif di bidang rekayasa mesin dengan memperhatikan dan mempertimbangkan asas keberlanjutan.
Many professions await you!!!!!
Automotive Research Engineers
Automotive research engineers try to improve the performance of cars by working to improve traditional features of cars such as suspension and work on aerodynamics and new possible fuels. Automotive research engineers focus on developing passenger cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles, or off-road vehicles. They design new products, modify existing ones, troubleshoot, and solve engineering problems.
Heating and Cooling Systems Engineers
Heat engineering, also known as heat transfer or thermal sciences, is an academic specialty of mechanical engineering. Heating and cooling systems engineers develop environmental systems (systems that keep temperatures and humidity within certain limits) for airplanes, trains, cars, computer rooms, and schools. They design test control apparatus as well as equipment and develop procedures for testing products. They also calculate energy losses for buildings, using equipment such as computers, combustion analyzers, or pressure gauges.
Robotics Engineers
A robotics engineer is a behind-the-scenes designer, who is responsible for creating robots and robotic systems that are able to perform duties that humans are either unable or prefer not to complete. Robotics engineers will spend the majority of their time designing the plans needed to build robots, and will also design the processes necessary for the robot to run correctly. Through their creations, robotics engineer helps to make jobs safer, easier, and more efficient, particularly in the manufacturing industry.
Materials Engineers
Materials engineers attempt to solve problems in several different engineering fields, such as mechanical, chemical, electrical, civil, nuclear, and aerospace. They do this by developing, processing, and testing materials in order to create new materials that meet specific mechanical, electrical, and chemical requirements. Materials engineers study the chemical properties, structures, and mechanical uses of plastics, metals, nanomaterials (extremely small substances), ceramics, and composites according to the place of usage.
In addition, you can also pursue a career as:
- CAD technician
- Contracting civil engineer
- Control and instrumentation engineer
- Maintenance engineer